Tryphinia Project
Aurizon- Separable Portion No. 01 – Tryphinia Train Detection
- Separable Portion No. 02 – Tryphinia Road Level Crossing
- Separable Portion No. 03 – Mourandilla Road Level crossings
- Separable Portion No. 04 – Wallaroo Feeder Station and Dingo SER Optic fibre Installation
Value – $2.6M

The Project involved all trackside protection, HV Isolation and demarcation of the site area.
A 23 meter insulated EWP was vital for the demolition of the lattice tower. This required high-risk license to operate as well as an 80-tonne crane and an extendable semi-trailer.
The Lattice Tower was removed on time, on budget and without incidence.

Hawklink Communication Towers
AurizonThe Betta Group assembled and erected Seven Communication Towers for the Hawklink Radio Link Project for Aurizon in the Aurizon Corridor. The locations were between Gladstone and Moura at each of the Railway sightings.
The towers varied from 18 metres to 30 metres in height. Involving logistics from collection of materials from client, site establishment, foundation installation and erection of towers, installation of radio link dishes and installation of feeder cables.
Project included cable tray work, bollard installation, earthing and final ground works.

AurizonAurizon engaged The Betta Group to change out 100 power poles and 50 CMP switchboards. The locations of the project varied from Winton in the Central West to Gladstone in the South and Mackay in the North.
The project scope expanded midway through the project life cycle to include HVABS Replacement, Transformer Replacement and Tower Removal.
Project completed on time and on budget with no LTI’s
Value $780k

Joy Mining Equipment Fabrication and Repair Facility
We supply routine inspection and maintenance services to Komatsu’s HV & LV network, at their Joy Mining Equipment fabrication and repair facility based in Parkhurst QLD.
Works include: HV Switching, Sub Station, Switchgear, RMU, Circuit Breaker, Transformer inspections and oil sampling.

Curragh Mine (Wesfarmers)The Betta Group are the preferred Overhead Powerline Contractors for working at the Curragh Westfarmers Coal Mine at Blackwater. The Betta Group carried out all routine maintenance of the overhead poles, ABS’s, Transformers on the private Curragh 66kV/22kV Networks.
Betta Power attends any emergency breakdown or forced outages for the site. Betta Power Services also carries out any capital or new project work on the site.
Value – $500k

Grantleigh Project
Aurizon- Train detection
- Axel counter upgrade
- Trackside equipment cabinet installation
- Copper & fibre cabling works
- Pit and pipe installation
Value – $550k

Callemondah Yard Upgrade Project
Aurizon- Stage 1A Copper & fibre cabling works, Pit and pipe installation, Signalling equipment Hut foundation
- Stage 1B Copper & fibre cabling works, Pit and pipe installation, Signalling equipment Hut foundation
- Stage 1C Copper & fibre cabling works, Pit and pipe installation, Signalling equipment Hut foundation

Wotonga & Moranbah Yard Project
Aurizon- Train detection
- Axel counter upgrade
- Trackside equipment cabinet installation
- Copper & fibre cabling works
- Pit and pipe installation
Value – $800k

Collinsville SER Project
Aurizon- Copper & fibre cabling works
- Pit and pipe installation
- Signalling equipment
- Hut foundation
Value – $400k

Bowen Rail Network Upgrade
Aurizon- Connection works between Aurizon rail network corridor and Bravis Rail network corridor
- Copper & fibre cabling works
- Pit and pipe installation
- Signalling equipment Hut foundations
- Trackside equipment installation
Value – $1.5M

Tunnel Project
Aurizon- Train detection
- Axel counter upgrade
- Trackside equipment cabinet installation
- Copper & fibre cabling works
- Pit and pipe installation
Value – $800k

Spotless ServicesBetta Group have carried out emergency, corrective and planned maintenance works on all of the generation and solar systems in the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA).
- Complete generator replacement at Pine Mountain and Samual Hill
- 200 hour preventative maintenance of all existing generators at SWBTA
- All generators and pumps had standalone solar systems
- Generator and infrastructure support for Talisman Sabre, Exercise Hammel and Exercise Wallaby
- Placement of varied size generators for Medical, Reefers to JCOR throughout SWBTA or Camp Rocky

Australian Defence Force Communication Towers
Spotless ServicesThe Betta Group carried out emergency, corrective and planned maintenance on the Communication Towers at Camp Group and U0TF at Shoalwater Bay and the Communication Towers at Western Street Rockhampton.
- Replacement of aircraft warning lights
- Replacement of the guyed stays
- Install new solar systems to accommodate new equipment on Towers
The Towers have the lad-safe system of climbing, and The Betta Group staff are accredited users.

Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) Facilities Project at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, QLDIn October of 2021, Laing O’Rourke engaged The Betta Group to execute the Mechanical works at Shoalwater Bay Training Facility. The scope consists of supply of equipment, materials and ancillary requisites including installation and commissioning of air-conditioning, exhaust, compressed air and associated infrastructure, to serve an administration, medical, ablutions and vehicle servicing facilities.

Canoona Road Airfield Lighting
SpotlessInstallation of lighting for the helicopter landing zones for the Chinook and Appache helicopters for the Singaporean Army.
- 800m of trenching and cable pulls
- Installation of metal lighting standards
- Designed and constructed control system to suit client’s requirements
Lighting control was extremely complicated as each individual light had to be controlled from one location.
Project completed on time and on budget with no LTI’s.
Value $100k

Air Conditioning
Our specialised cleaning, maintenance and service will provide the following benefits for you and your air-conditioning system:
- Save money by reducing the running cost of your air-conditioner
- Improve health by removing the dust, mould and ‘nasties’ from inside your system
- Increase the life of your system & reduce the likelihood of future breakdowns

Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) Facilities Project at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, QLDIn October of 2021, Laing O’Rourke engaged Betta Group to execute the Mechanical works at Shoalwater Bay Training Facility. The scope consists of supply of equipment, materials and ancillary requisites including installation and commissioning of air-conditioning, exhaust, compressed air and associated infrastructure, to serve an administration, medical, ablutions and vehicle servicing facilities.

Joy Mining Equipment Fabrication and Repair Facility
We supply routine inspection and maintenance services to Komatsu’s HV & LV network, at their Joy Mining Equipment fabrication and repair facility based in Parkhurst QLD.
Works include: HV Switching, Sub Station, Switchgear, RMU, Circuit Breaker, Transformer inspections and oil sampling.